New for 2019, The PBS Festival will be the host for The People’s PBS Awards. There are 10 awards which aim to recognise the creativity, dedication and positive outcomes of individuals, teams and the people they support who are implementing Positive Behaviour Support. So don’t be shy, we know there is some fantastic work happening across the sector, if you or someone you know is achieving something amazing, nominate them for one of the awards and vote for them at the festival. The award themselves will be made by hand from recycled materials and presented at a ceremony at the end of the festival. Scroll down to view the awards we will be presenting and to nominate today!
Sponsored by Supporting Positively
PBS should be all about supporting someone positively to achieve outcomes linked to both skills and quality of life. It is through these outcomes that we know PBS has been effectively implemented. The winner will be someone who have been ambitious in the outcomes they strove for and has the data and story to demonstrate the difference it made to someone’s life.
Sponsored by Avenues
Avenues specialises in supporting people with complex needs and behaviour that challenges, and Positive Behaviour Support is fundamental to the way we work. We know from experience that full commitment to the theory and practice of PBS can support people to transform their experience of life, and we are delighted to sponsor this award and recognise the exceptional work being done.
Sponsored by PBSUK
Sponsored by CMG
This award goes to an individual or service that can demonstrate consistent use of person centred active support to promote the independence of people with learning disabilities.
Sponsored by Dimensions
This award is designed to celebrate both the individuals who have received support under the PBS framework and celebrate staff that have developed new skills under the PBS framework. Individuals - who have received support under the PBS framework in order to develop new skills that have enabled them to achieve meaningful outcomes in their own lives. Staff - that have utilised the evidence based strategies within the PBS framework in order to enable the people they support to develop new skills.
Sponsored by Active Prospects
People we support are at the forefront of everything Active Prospects does. Our group community of people we support – the Pro-Active Community – is heavily involved in all aspects of the organisation, providing an important voice for those who we support. This award is to celebrate the involvement of people in their daily support.
Sponsored by Us in a Bus
We invite applicants to describe a satisfying Intensive Interaction between a person with complex needs and a member of their support circle. It can be an interaction they have witnessed, or one they have been involved in themselves. Either way, the prize would go to both people – the supporter and the person they support – to be shared. The applicant would need to describe what happened, how it related to the principles of Intensive Interaction and what they plan to do next. The application could be backed up by video, but this is not a substitute for the written description, and is not essential.
Sponsored by Roy Deveau
Over the years I have asked many people including leaders and academics in the intellectual and autism field, what makes for a good life for people who need services and their staff – when you see one? You know staff show energy, commitment to achieving the right things. They are always coming up with new and interesting ideas and plans –possibilities for doing things better for the people they support. Possibilities that need nurturing and shaping, for example by a manager or PBS practitioner, I have always received similar answers to this question: the person in day-to-day charge. In my work and writing a Practice Leader is needed to focus staff teams upon the right activities and relationships – ones that meet people’s need for meaningful and positive engagement. I hope to further promote this vital role which is under threat of being overwhelmed by administrative imperative –with this award. I look forward to meeting the people nominated and those judging the work presented.
Sponsored by Pen Clark
Person Centred award is sponsored by Pen Clark who will be publishing a book on Person Centred working in the near future.
Sponsored by Dolphin Homes
Do you go the extra mile? This award is to celebrate a person or team that can demonstrate their consistent efforts to go above and beyond.